juli, 2020

za4jul19:30- 21:30Ecstatic Dance19:30 - 21:30 Event Type:Dansavond,Muziek

Meer over het event

★ DJ Socrates

Odessa is migrating into in the center of Amsterdam!
Very happy to announce our first Ecstatic Dance in Tobacco Theater this 4th of July!

Combining the beautiful ambient space of Tobacco Theater with the gentle and gifted hands of DJ Socrates, we will lose ourselves in blissful ecstatic movement.

★ Ecstatic Dance Guidelines
1. No talking
2. No drugs/alcohol
3. Dance however you wish
4. Respect yourself and one another

★ COVID19 Measures
1. Stay home if you have mild cold-like symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, a mild cough or fever below 38 degreesC) — we’ll have more dance sessions later!
3. To avoid crowding, please bring as little things (bags, coats, clothes) as possible! Only the necessary.
4. Bring your own water bottle.
5. Physical contact is permitted *during* dancing!
Ecstatic Dance is a contact-sport!
6. Please respect others’ boundaries, respect those who wish to maintain the 1,5m rule, and COVID19 government guidelines.
7. Disinfectants will be available.

★ Timeline
19.15 – 19:30 | Check in
19:30 – 21.30 | Opening + Dj Set Ecstatic Dance
21.30 – 21:45 | End (we go home)

★ Price
€ 17.50,- online reservation
Get your tickets HERE
We are limited to 40 spots!


(Zaterdag) 19:30 - 21:30