De Maaltuin in TOBACCO Theater
De Maaltuin

Curious about the ins and outs of an auction at the beginning of the 20th century?
De Maaltuin offers you the chance to take on the roll of a merchant during a culinary 5-course dinner at TOBACCO Theater on the Nes in the heart of Amsterdam. Experience the thrill of offering and trading, just like during the glory days of the Amsterdam spirit of commerce.
In-between courses, the dinner will be enriched with live music. Beforehand, you have the unique opportunity to experience a podwalk through the historical center of Amsterdam.
Did you know that Amsterdam celebrates her 750th birthday this year? This is the perfect place to celebrate the city’s history and trading traditions together with de Maaltuin.
Bring together your friends, partner, or family for this unique party where gastronomy and the historical trading spirit of Amsterdam meet!